How it all started...
Mt. Zion Baptist Church had its beginning in a time when our nation, having only 26 states, was still forming. John Tyler was President, a wagon trains of migrants were heading west on the Oregon Trail, ten dollars was represented by a solid gold coin, and Chickasaw tribes had recently occupied the western Kentucky area. Lovelaceville Baptist Church desired to plant a church in the West Paducah area resulting in community believers meeting in 1843. We have historic church record books, dating back to 1851.

Those books, along with member accounts, photos and various documents provide us with our church story. Church members endured the Civil War and the Spanish Flu of 1917-1918 and there were times of revival. Baptisms were held in local ponds and streams. The area was known as the Mt. Zion community, until a post office was established, which changed the official name of the community to Camelia, and later the area became part of West Paducah, Kentucky.
About a 1/2 mile north of the current building, in the area of the Scott Cemetery was the first Mt. Zion building, a log cabin. According to reports, the cabin burned. Secondly, a framed church house was built west of the Mt. Zion cemetery. The classic white church located in the area of the cemetery was the third building and the fourth building was the current brick building. Additions to this building followed. In 2019, a tornado damaged the sanctuary of the brick church so severely, it had to be razed. Through trials and blessings, Mt. Zion Baptist Church continues to build upon our foundation, which is Christ the Lord.
About a 1/2 mile north of the current building, in the area of the Scott Cemetery was the first Mt. Zion building, a log cabin. According to reports, the cabin burned. Secondly, a framed church house was built west of the Mt. Zion cemetery. The classic white church located in the area of the cemetery was the third building and the fourth building was the current brick building. Additions to this building followed. In 2019, a tornado damaged the sanctuary of the brick church so severely, it had to be razed. Through trials and blessings, Mt. Zion Baptist Church continues to build upon our foundation, which is Christ the Lord.

Expanding the vision...
Mt. Zion continues to build on this foundation that was built 180 years later. The vision is to grow individually in our relationship with Jesus Christ, allowing Him to change our hearts and minds while studying to learn Biblical truths so that we may confidently share the love and the gospel of Jesus Christ within and beyond the walls of Mt. Zion Baptist Church.
Our church reaches out to the community through our participation in various mission events both locally, outside of our immediate community, and abroad. Paducah and our surrounding communities are frequently invited on campus for various events and our outreach extends into our community through 'Services Off Site'. These services move our church family into our community on Sunday evenings and allows us to help those mission organizations to advance their efforts with our help.
Our church reaches out to the community through our participation in various mission events both locally, outside of our immediate community, and abroad. Paducah and our surrounding communities are frequently invited on campus for various events and our outreach extends into our community through 'Services Off Site'. These services move our church family into our community on Sunday evenings and allows us to help those mission organizations to advance their efforts with our help.
Where we are headed...
At this time there are many ministry efforts and collaborations with mission organizations that are in the beginning stages and we are actively praying for the Lord's clear direction in future ministry efforts. There are many ways to reach those who need the gospel and we are looking forward to joining in where He is already at work.
Soul Care Beyond Uganda Starfish Ministries Cairo, IL

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am.